After reading a bunch of stuff on the internet of how to replace Homebrew with Nix, I decided to finally take the plunge. This post outlines my efforts to get up and running with the Nix package manager and Nix Darwin.
Installing Nix
Nix gives you two installation options; single user or multi-user. Let's go with the recommended multi-user install.
Executing the following
$ sh <(curl -L --daemon
gives me the following output
Note: a multi-user installation is possible. See
Installing on macOS >=10.15 requires relocating the store to an apfs volume.
Use sh <(curl --darwin-use-unencrypted-nix-store-volume or run the preparation steps manually.
Starting with macOS 10.15 (Catalina), the root filesystem is read-only. This
means that /nix
can no longer live on you system volume. Thankfully, there
exists a workaraound for this. Instead of installing Nix using the command we
just executed, we run
$ sh <(curl --darwin-use-unencrypted-nix-store-volume
This should create an unencrypted APFS volume for your Nix store and a
"synthetic" empty directory to mount it over at /nix
I actually had some trouble executing the script using curl
and I didn't feel
like finding out why so I decided to just wget
it and then run it. Anyways.
| This installer will create a volume for the nix store and |
| configure it to mount at /nix. Follow these steps to uninstall. |
1. Remove the entry from fstab using 'sudo vifs'
2. Destroy the data volume using 'diskutil apfs deleteVolume'
3. Remove the 'nix' line from /etc/synthetic.conf or the file
This installer will go on and ask for sudo password and do it's thing.
Installing Nix Darwin
Backup a few files first
$ sudo mv /etc/zprofile /etc/zprofile.orig
$ sudo mv /etc/nix/nix.conf /etc/nix/nix.conf.orig
$ sudo mv /etc/zshrc /etc/zshrc.orig
Install Nix Darwin
$ nix-build -A installer
$ ./result/bin/darwin-installer
During the installation, we're presented with some options.
Would you like edit the default configuration.nix before starting? [y/n] n
Would you like to manage <darwin> with nix-channel? [y/n] y
Would you like to load darwin configuration in /etc/bashrc? [y/n] y
Would you like to load darwin configuration in /etc/zshrc? [y/n] y
Would you like to create /run? [y/n] y
Nice. The installation finishes up and gives us some helpful instructions
Open '/Users/martin/.nixpkgs/darwin-configuration.nix' to get started.
See the README for more information:
Don't forget to start a new shell or source /etc/static/bashrc.
Installing packages
Now that we have nix-darwin
installed, we can start installing packages.
Naturally, I want to start by installing vim
. Let's look for it
$ nix-env -qaP vim
The result of the query is
nixpkgs.vim vim-8.2.0701
Alright. So I guess we just add it to our darwin-configuration.nix
environment.systemPackages = [
Save, run darwin-rebuild switch
, and wait for the result. Once the
installation finishes we should have Vim installed.
Depending on how your PATH
is set up, and if you installed vim
, you might still be on your previous version. Go ahead and check
$ which vim
# Alt 1: /usr/local/bin/vim
# Alt 2: /run/current-system/sw/bin/vim
If you get something like Alt 1
, you can run brew unlink vim
and log in
again. Run which vim
again and you should get something that looks like the
second path.
When I fired up Vim I quickly realized that the package wasn't compiled with
. In my personal vim setup I have a plugin that depends on that, so I
needed to figure out how to solve that issue. After I did some digging around,
I found that there's a Nix package callen vim_configurable
that I could use.
To install a Vim with Python 3 support, we need to edit our
a little bit.
environment.systemPackages = [
programs.vim.package = pkgs.vim_configurable.override {
python = pkgs.python3
Now run
$ darwin-rebuild switch
again, and you should see Vim being compiled. This takes a while, but once it
finishes up you have Vim working with +python3
. Neat!
Moving the rest of the packages
Moving the rest of the packages should be a pretty straight-forward process. Up
until now, I have used a Brewfile
to keep inventory of all installed
To update my Brewfile
with everything that's installed using Homebrew, I run
$ brew bundle dump --force
Then I move packages from Homebrew into darwin-configuration.nix
, as
described in Sala Rahmainan's article.
Occasionally, I run
$ brew bundle cleanup --force
to remove any garbage left from uninstalled Homebrew packages.
- Moving from Homebrew to Nix Package Manager (Salar Rahmanian)
- Use Nix on maxOS as a Homebrew User (Yufan Lou)
- Homebrew
- NixOS
- Nix Darwin
- Install Nix
- Nix macOS installation